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Co-Curated by Teresa J. Wilber & Steve Liggett

September 12 – October 2, 2025

Liggett Gallery, Tulsa, OK

INTRO:  Once thought to be a semi-underground movement, artists’ books are now considered to be a quintessential art form, showcasing lively, spontaneous, and visionary representations that push the boundaries of the typical book form.  Elements of traditional book structure can be found in artists’ books, though often created in a three-dimensional format. The artists who answer the call to this exhibit will display their own imaginative interpretation of what an artist’s book should represent to convey their story or message in a literal, conceptual or even sculptural approach. This exhibition invites artists to submit work that challenges our viewpoint of what we think of a book, transforming how a message is conveyed, and enlightens how we respond to artists’ books to entice and intrigue the viewer enough to question: “Is this really a book?”


The co-curators are:  Steve Liggett, Director of Liggett Studios and past Artistic Director of Living Arts of Tulsa for 27 years.  Steve Liggett works mainly in ceramics and paper but has been known to work in many media depending on what his ideas call for.  Steve teaches the handmade paper class for beginners at Liggett Studios. Teresa J. Wilber’s is a calligrapher, artist book maker and book binding instructor.  She has taught calligraphy and bookbinding at Ghost Ranch, NM, at Liggett Studios, and throughout the country.


March-August – Workshops TBA*

August 1, 2025 - Call for Entries Deadline:

August 12, 2025 - Juror Decision

August 13, 2025 - Notify Artists

September 9, 2025 - Delivery of Art Chosen

September 10, 2025 – Installation 

September 12, 2025 – Second Friday, Exhibit Opening

September 13, 2025 – Book Arts Day: Interacting with Artist Books, and Gallery Talk with Pamela Paulsrud

Sept 12 – October 2, 2025 - Gallery Open Thursdays & Fridays, 5-8pm, and Saturdays, 1-5pm

October 2, 2025 – Exhibit Closing

October 3, 2025 – Pickup of unsold work


This exhibit will present a special installation of Treewhispers, an installation of columns of handmade paper rounds that, when hung, resemble a forest of art honoring our heartfelt connection with trees. Chicago based artist Pamela Paulsrud began this international papermaking initiative celebrating the forest of stories and intimate connections that exist between people and trees. Recently celebrating 25 years, Treewhispers has evolved to become a traveling exhibit and workshop series where everyone’s invited to share their stories, poems, drawings, and artwork about their favorite arboreal relationships. This installation will offer viewers the opportunity to experience an immersive installation of creativity and conversation.

Pamela Paulsrud is an interdisciplinary artist, recognized internationally as a papermaker, calligrapher, book artist, and collaborator. Her work is deeply inspired by the resonance of language, energy and vibration, and her love for the land. Pamela’s exploration of these elements informs both her art and her life, with her practice in energetic healing also influencing her creative process. Her work ranges from intimate pieces to large-scale installations, and is included in numerous private and public collections, as well as featured in magazines, books, and journals. She received her BSN from St. Olaf College and her MFA from Columbia College Chicago in Interdisciplinary Arts concentrating in Book and Paper.

* In addition to several workshops, The Book Dragons of Tulsa will be scheduling demonstrations of basic book structures to enlighten the public how the “bones of the book" are formed.


SPRING PAPERMAKING 101 WORKSHOP with Steve Liggett. April 5 & 6, 9am-4pm, $190, at Liggett Studios. A two day workshop where participants learn about the history of papermaking, producing simple paper sheets and adding color, foreign materials, sizings, and laminate sheets to make many varieties of shapes, sizes and kinds of the incredible medium of "paper."   

PUTTING ART IN THE ARTIST BOOK: A Hardcover Binding Workshop with Teresa J. Wilber, April 5 & 6, 9am-4pm, $165, plus $25 material fee. During this two-day workshop, we will begin on Day 1 decorating several papers, using various mediums, alternative tools and techniques. The content for your personalized books will include expressive, artistic marks, and applications of color, with options of drawing, lettering, and more. On Day 2, your unique papers will then be used for covering and binding the book structure. Each complete book will be embellished by the individual artist. These can be used as a creative journal, hold photos, mementos, illustrations, or for adding beautiful lettering.  A materials fee of $25 is required to provide all specialty papers and materials not available locally. A supply list will be provided for students to bring easier-to-find items. No prior experience is necessary. $165, plus $25 material fee.

PAPERMAKING - PART 2 with Patti Shanks, April 26 & 27, 10am – 3:30pm,  $190. Expand your knowledge of papermaking with Patti Shanks in PART 2 of the papermaking workshop.

COLLAGE FOR MOM & KIDS – with Steve Liggett - A Family Workshop in Collage.  Create a family heirloom collage with Mom and kids working together. $40 per family.

BOOK DRAGONS MEETINGS – Join Katrina Matthews and Teresa J. Wilber on the Second Thursday of each month as the group creates book art related subjects from 6-8pm.  Consult website for details each month for the project they will take on.

SUMMER ART CAMP for middle school age children June 16-27, 8:30am-4:30pm, $200, Mery McNett with Steve Liggett - a concentration on working with mixed media and handmade paper Book Arts Projects.

TREEWHISPERS Workshop with Pamela Paulsrud, Steve Liggett & Phetote Mshari (to be confirmed) June 28 & 29, 10am - 3pm, $120.  Treewhispers* is an evolving international papermaking initiative celebrating the forest of stories and intimate connections that exist between people and trees: a traveling exhibit and workshop series where everyone’s invited to share their stories, poems, drawings, and artwork about their favorite arboreal relationships. Make handmade paper rounds with Steve Liggett on the first day. Create poetry about your Life and Tree with Phetote, paint your rounds and string together forms that create an immersive installation of creativity and conversation with Pamela Paulsrud. Come and learn about paper with us, share stories and remember with the simple joy of being surrounded by trees, walking through the woods, planting a tree, and rediscovering the awe and reverence that trees inspire in all of us!  $120.

*A portion of the Treewhispers exhibit will be installed at Liggett Gallery, during the “Book Arts: Beyond Expectations” show, opening September 12th.

FALL PAPERMAKING 101 WORKSHOP with Steve Liggett – September 20 & 21, 9am-4pm,  at Liggett Studios, $190. A two day workshop where participants learn about the history of papermaking, producing simple paper sheets and adding color, foreign materials, sizings, and laminate sheets to make many varieties of shapes, sizes and kinds of the incredible medium of "paper."   $190.


Links to learn more about Pamela Paulsrud:

Liggett Studios is located in the East End Village District of Downtown Tulsa. We have artist Studio Spaces, the Gallery, and a Paper-making Lab. Below are upcoming events- check them out and contact us with any questions.


Liggett Studios 314 S. Kenosha Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120

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