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WORKSHOP: Oil Painting alla-prima: Landscape

MAR 25

with Alyssa Fields

Oil Painting alla-prima: Landscape

with Alyssa Fields


$65 per each 3-hour lesson

I am now offering 3 hour one time classes at Liggett Studios! Each week will tackle a different subject so be sure to check the calendar to find one that interests you! Each class will be done using alla-prima technique (wet into wet). By the end of each class, you will leave with a painting that is loose in style, very painterly, and can be built upon with detailed layers if you choose to do so. These classes are not designed to leave with an extremely detailed painting, think more impressionism! 

This class is perfect for those who already paint but would like the loosen up their style and practice quick artistic decisions. If you are new to painting these classes can be a great start and a way to practice! 

How the class will work-

I will provide reference photos to work from, we will all work on the same reference photo so that I can provide clear instruction for what I am doing in each step. I will be in front of the class providing a demo you can see how I am applying and handling the paint on my own canvas. I will explain what I am doing and why. You are free to follow along or go at in at your own pace and in your own way. I will provide assistance to you when/if needed. Always feel free to ask as many questions as you want throughout the class!

Minimal paint colors needed:

(Small tubes)

Titanium White

Ivory Black

Burnt Umber

Alizarin Crimson

Transparent Red Oxide

Cadmium Yellow

Ultramarine Blue

Optional Colors I often use in my palette:

Viridian Green

Sap Green

Pthalo Blue


I am not picky when it comes to brushes, as long as you have a large brush, a small brush, and a couple medium brushes you should be fine. If you’re a true beginner, a variety pack should have what you need to get started.

Optional Oil Painting Medium:

Liquin (Speeds drying time)


I almost always use Gamsol to clean my brushes, but Mona Lisa or Masters Touch work fine as well.


If you plan on taking multiple classes, I recommend getting a pack of 9x12 canvas panels. If you are taking just one class, I recommend grabbing a canvas or canvas panel ranging in size from 8x10 to 11x14. 

 You are certainly free to get a larger size canvas! I only recommend smaller because of the 3 hour time limit.

Additional materials:

Paper towels or rags

Palette (I recommend a disposable pad of palette paper for these classes)

Small, leak proof jar for your brush cleaner OR transportable, leak proof brush cleaner from any craft store

Pencil for drawing (optional)

Gloves (optional)

Tabletop easel (optional)

I will do my best to share materials with you if you forget some things. If you are a true beginner and very uncertain about trying this medium, please email me and I will arrange to share my paints with you to get started.

Class schedule:

3/25 -Landscape

4/1 -Florals

4/8 -Fruit still life

4/15 -Painting facial features: The eyes, lips, and nose 

4/22 –Fur babies! Bring your own reference photo and I will show you tricks and tips on how to achieve their likeness. **For this class please email me your reference photo so I can make sure you’re working with a quality photo that will provide you with enough visual information

4 /29 -Shiny things! Still life

Liggett Studios is located in the East End Village District of Downtown Tulsa. We have artist Studio Spaces, the Gallery, and a Paper-making Lab. Below are upcoming events- check them out and contact us with any questions.


Liggett Studios 314 S. Kenosha Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120

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